Day 6 Friday February 28th
I finnished cutting out all the pieces for the keel, here I am drawing a line
Here is what the keel will look like once it is finished only time 3.
YES! THAT CAR IS FOR SALE!! All proceeds pay off my boat!
This is the front, yes things need to be sanded... and I might redo
the foremost piece since I made some of the cuts with the table saw that I should have made with the
jig saw and it would look a little smoother. The little one, that you can see all of is the one I am
talking about, the one at the other end is ~14'.
Here I am at the saw
Some people came over and helped a little. The belt on the belt sanded
was smoother than a baby's bottom, so we replaces it, and the sander sort of ate the paper. That belt
sander is acutally also portable, it's just mounted, pretty neat if I could figure out how do load a
new belt on without it eating it. Hmm you can't really see the belt sander from this picture... Try
This picture
The polish foriegn exchange student that lives at my house, Adam. Incidently,
he will be moving in one week, he has to move to 3 different families in one school year, I don't know
why but that's the rules.