This snow shows why I had off from school today
Another shot of snow
My father has managed to avoid this project, altough he did help sweep up
one night, here he is measuring how big our garage is, so he can write in an email about me building a
boat how big our garage is. Very important stuff. For those interested my garage is 20' by 21' and has
a steel I-beam running horizontally through it which prevents us from having conventional motorized garage
door openers, therefore we only have one strange garage door opener on the side where my mother
keeps her car.
I lofted the bulkheads onto 1/2" AC Plywood purchased at the Home Depot, I would
regret getting the plywood there, but I can't afford to do that, I have no job at the moment.
Here is the table saw on loan and safety glasses and a protractor.
Sometime this week my father and I went to Home Depot. He bought a new
sanding belt and, at my request, this countersink set for making screw holes, and I bought
100 #8 1-1/2" Brass screws for about $10, which I shouldn't have done. The countersinks did not come with
a case or anything, and I probably would loose them, so I made this out of some scrap wood, I just cut the
holes, sanded it, stained it, and painted the high-craftsmanship lettering. I had some extra white I
squeezed out of the tube so I painted BITS on the drill bits and DUST on a bucket where I dump my sawdust
Just I case you were drooling over my 'mad skillz' with a paintbrush,
here is more to feast your eyes upon, look at that detail, look at those straight lines and those
proportional letters!
Latter that night Adam came downstairs and I sent him to work sanding the
keel extention (I made all of my keels the same length, opps! I needed to make one longer so the stern
block has something to hold onto!
I cut the bulkheads out, there is still more to be cut, but the shape is there
The bulkheads in their rough form